Tha àireamh a tha a’ fàs gu luath de sholaraichean cùram slàinte adhartach a’ cur ris

Fis-leigheas MINI-60

Tha anFDA

* faochadh bho pian fèithe agus co-phàirteach, pian agus stiffness;

* faochadh pian agus stiffness co-cheangailte ri airtritis.

Tha làimhseachadh laser Clas IV air a lìbhrigeadh nas fheàrr ann an cothlamadh de thonn leantainneach agus diofar tricead pulsation. The human body tends to adapt to and become less responsive to any steady stimulus, so varying the pulsation rate will improve clinical outcomes.14 In pulsed, or modulated mode, the laser operates at a 50% duty cycle and the frequency of pulsation can be eadar-dhealaichte bho 2 gu 10,000 uair gach diog, no hertz (hz). The literature has not clearly distinguished which frequencies are suitable for various problems, but there is a substantial body of empirical evidence to provide some guidance. Tha eadar-dhealaichte de thrìmhnantan de phulsation a 'toirt a-mach freagairtean eòlas-inntinn sònraichte bhon chladh:

* Tha buaidh anti-inflamtory aig 2,500 HZ le buaidh anti-inflammatory; agus

* tha triceadan os cionn 5,000 Hz mì-mhicrobial agus an-aghaidh fungas.

dealbh 1

Ùine puist: Dàmhair-09-2024